The #PutinHitler system of fear can’t solve its people problems.
Regime choice ist external distraction of opinion + internal destruction of people
#negotiate ignores that wars, not war serve its purpose.
#ukraine only more of the same.
Long #thread 1/22

Western approval ratings used by #Russia at gunpoint explains the repeated requirement for wars, not war.
Not external factors, as #negotiate likes to make believe.
Reason to stop war will not work for a system, which needs to start wars and only stops to prepare for the next. 2

#negotiate speak in terms of resources & solutions omits, it requires a productive system to work for output. All #terrorists systems quickly deteriorate to their single core asset, which is fear, not productivity. #Russia is the mother of fear, fed by western appeasement. 3/22

#Russian oligarchs have more money and better live style than most people in the degenerated west and don’t trade for assets or resources. They steal and kill for that. There trade for personal embezzlement with corrupt political #Putin elite needs corpses, not contracts. 4/22

#Russian Roulette option to the regular guy on the street is him or somebody else to die in a trench today or another day. He usually approves to send someone else. Foreign expansion comes into play for #Oligarchs and #journalists who must fear windows more than sanctions: 5/22

First the #Putin system got themselves some Chechens corpses to die, than Georgians and now it is the time for Ukrainians to get their leadership replaced by puppets supplying their future TikTok warrior death in #Russian trenches. 6/22

#georgianlegion and fighters from all over the #russian sphere of influence, definitely not foreign to USSR ideology understand: They fight in #Ukraine for freedom or die in another trench for #Putin like the orcs, they are killing in droves. #negotiate does not exist to them. 7

Western #negotiate representatives are called useful idiots in Kremlin terminology for a reason. Many of them don’t deny but stress they are for peace anyway. They don’t explain, that such peace is temporarily by nature preparing for “better” future bloodshed ▶️ #chechen wars! 8

Experts on an agenda are always more dangerous than useful idiots. With #negotiate it’s no difference. It does not matter, if such agenda is limited to prove a false point from a past they studied for a future, they misjudge. False storyline #escalation must be addressed. 9/22

#escalation feeds implied misconception of #Russia as a successful Sowjet type of regime still on hold with maximum evil. #putin, having women raped, children stolen, civilian airliner downed, #warcrimes for military opus operandi: That could be worse, so better be nice? 10/22

Academic justification for pseudo pacifist appeal to the public supports Kremlin propaganda machine “don’t poke the bear”, calling for maximum escalation to reinstall “fear the bear” at any cost. If there is anything to provoke #Russian #escalation for sure, it is #negotiate 11

Argument #Russia could be worse comes with no factual support, addressing emotions of uncertainty & fear the Russian bear riding #Putin and his big red button to end human life on planet. This button does not exist and misconception does not end there. 12…

2019 Putin himself described low productivity as “one of the most acute and important” problems. Russia is one of the least productive moderately rich countries in the world, ranking 39th out of the 42 monitored by OECD & it went from worse to worst: 13…

Artillery ammunition shortage is the clear indication, that Russian productivity weakness impacts its battlefield abilities on #frontlines in #Ukraine, not only civilian lives back home. Winter Offensive, not peace is the current result of #negotiate. 14…

Western tanks will allow combined arms manoeuvres against hardened #Russian defensive position. If successful, this can dislocate Russian forces at scale, making Moscow choose between massive surrenders, force annihilation, or nuclear (?) escalation. 15…

#negotiate ignores that its #nuclear closing argument was never more but empty thread, considered and put to end by #NATO western tank delivery decision. No #Putin will not conclude to loose #Russia and die himself in Armageddon because some corrupt generals loosing #Crimea 16

Useful idiot #negotiate propaganda to weaken support for #Ukraine by #NichtUnserKrieg and antiwar academics like @JohannesVarwick need to be separated from political reality, that military action does impact negotiating position in conflicts, like Orwell and western tanks. 17/22

For more information @ForeignAffairs, available for free via email request, addresses the complex relationship between military support and peaceful conflict resolution in #Ukraine️. Peace needs #Crimea and Crimea needs a credible military thread. 18/22

Apart from misconception of Russian capacities, true home made nature of its numerous foreign aggressions, armageddon lie and ignorance of military realities #negotiate last but not least stays silent, that people are dying today, exactly because of #negotiate 8 years ago. 19/22

#timefornew followers who want to understand these arguments better @NATO_DefCollege 88 page publication: War changes everything: Russia after Ukraine is recommended. It is a remarkably balanced read, in particular @MarkGaleotti chapter on leadership 20/22

Thanks & credit to following accounts contributing to this thread in order of appearance: @igorlogvinenko @HumanProgress @page_eco @johnsweeneyroar @wartranslated @raging545 @JohannesVarwick @MarkGaleotti @JakeCordell @Travis_Tritten @TomRtweets @Doranimated @TerezaHendl 21/22

George Orwell, @AVindman and @PavelSlunkin. For image alternative text @Regendelfin @ChrisO_wiki for #WagnerGroup reference, Washington based @MEMRIReports Russian Columnist Popov for Kremlin Propaganda reference.

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Kenneth Winkler @kenwinkler